Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Senior Exit Project Blog on Forensics and The Real CSI. Thanks for stopping by; this blog will document the many things I have learned over time shadowing my mentor Detective Love. She is an actual Crime Scene Detective. In this blog I will have many videos and pictures of my time with and without my mentor. Not only of me learning acquired traits but a little bit of history. I hope you enjoy the time and work I put into this blog be sure to follow, comment or ask any questions I will be sure to answer.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Documentation Protocol

Documenting the scene is one of the most important parts of the crime scene protocol. One must make sketches as well as take photographs of the crime scene area as well as adding the location of evidence to the sketch.

Examination Protocol

Next in an examination you must identify potential evidence, just to get the general layout of the crime scene.

The Interviewing Protocol

In an interview you must question the first officer on the scene as well as witnesses and victims only to determine the sequence of events.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crime Scene Protocol

Before evidence is collected at a crime scene, there is protocol Investigators must follow. Once the investigator in charge of the crime scene arrives, she should conduct a scene assessment and conduct a scene walkthrough and initial documentation (Knight). The crime scene protocol consists of an interview, examination and documentation of the crime scene, then processing the evidence.